Dear, Dear, Sweet Santa,
I have been a really good girl, OK sometimes a good girl, but I try hard. I stopped believing in you years ago and we won't go there as to how many years that was. But if you are real and if you do grant the wishes of believers than I believe, and I have my list posted here. I know you like letters, but lets face it this is 2009 and no one writes letters any more, every one emails or blogs, or tweets or what ever else they do. Me I blog and I read blogs and I enter blog contests, lots of blog contests. Sometimes I win and sometimes I lose. OK back to the reason for this blog, My Wish List, and here it is.
1. A Mid Arm Quilting Machine or Long Arm Machine, I only need the machine as I have the frame. And it really is for a good cause, my charity quilts, and then there are all the other quilts I need to finish. Come to think of it while I am wishing for the
impossible than how about a computerized model. This is what I call a Big Girl Toy and I like toys. see pic of Baily's Mid Arm Machine
2.A New Car, well it really doesn't have to be new, used would work to and it doesn't have to look like the picture any color, and shape, and make, I'm not picky. Only stipulation is it has to have a engine, it has to run, it has to have working AC and Heat and a radio. see pic
That's all the big things, and if you are real you will have these under my tree, or in the driveway.
3. Necklace Tiffany's would be nice, oh this is supposed to be the little list, so Pomeranian necklace at collectibles today, or a Mermaid or Dragonfly at eBay again see pic
Wii Fit with Balance Board, Yes, I am a old lady who has a
Wii, need to get my exercise one way or another and this works for me. So any neat
Wii Games will work and Yes, I have a pic
5. Fat quarters, Charm Square, Jelly Rolls, Pastry Rolls, or Layer Cake, I know most of this sounds like you would go to the bakery but it is all material for quilts. or anything for Quilting, even Machine quilting thread would be great, like in my stocking. oops sorry I don't have a stocking to hang. I made them for the kids and grand kids last year and didn't get around to making one for me and hubby. So wing it, use one of Sean's big socks he won't mind. Just in case here is a pic, love the pretty color.
6. Anything for Cross stitching, PC Stitch Pro version 9 would be really good or threads, material, gadgets, needle holders, etc. OK, so you know what thread looks like, I still added a pic, I like the colors and
DMC is the kind I use.
The next two items would have been the Simplicity Rotary cutter and the Simplicity Bias Tape Maker, but they were on sale when Jo Ann's had their sale and I ordered them(what a challenge that turned out to be). They are here and under the Christmas tree. OK Santa, I know you see everything so I confess. I took them from under the tree and used them last night, Hey I have an excuse I needed to finish the 6 quilts for Century Care Center, Mel is picking them up Sunday. So OK another "I'm bad" strike against me, but don't tell Sean.
Guess that is about all that I can think of, if I think of anything else I will update the list, so Santa you need to check back now and then. And Santa if this stuff isn't under my tree I will know for sure that you are a fake and that you really don't exist and you will crush the dreams of girl OK a old lady, hey I can dream can't I. I can dream that I am once again young and that Santa is real and that all these wonderful things will appear Christmas morning. Hey, pay attention, I said I can dream didn't I, so now pick yourself off of the floor and for goodness sakes, stop laughing.
I am heading out to make Holiday arrangements for me and the girls. I just needed a break and making my wish list helped get me in the mood. I am so far behind in this holiday stuff, I didn't get my cards in the mail yet, I didn't start my baking or gingerbread houses, and as for shopping I haven't even been in a store yet. See I am so far behind, do you think we could postpone Christmas for a month or so??? Maybe I would be ready by then.
Santa a PS, Sean has been a good boy to so while you are here delivering my stuff you can drop off one of those computerized carving machines that Sears sells, he would like that for his shop. Or maybe some shelving so he can get the shop in some kind of order. Or maybe a new truck for him to haul wood in, what do you think Santa, can you get this stuff in your sleigh.
Have a Very Merry Christmas one and all.