Black Friday
The Turkey was cooked and leftovers fill the fridge, today is called black Friday and so many shoppers take to the highways in the wee hours to find those special deals. As for Me, I was up before the sun, but not to take to the roads. The Dogs decided that they wanted to partake of the black Friday madness and start their day early. They never wake my husband that early, no they just nudge me, whine and whimper when they want out. I think he pays them to leave him alone at that early hour. But that was my Black Friday excitement, letting the dogs outside, I then curled up in hubby's recliner and dozed back off to sleep. I could care less about waiting in long lines for that one thing that is a must have item, there is NOTHING that I want that badly to be part of the craziness that is Black Friday. I mean really they might advertise a great sale on a big screen TV, the store has 10 in stock, and there are 100 people trying to snatch the prize, they push and shove and there is nothing that rings in the good tidings to man on this day, so I will stay home and maybe surf the web for the bargains. I will be nice and warm, no pushing or shoving, no nasty people just me and my computer a click of the mouse and the item is mine, PLUS they will deliver to my house.. So have fun all you holiday shoppers, hope the treasures you find today is worth the effort. I also hope that this year no shopper gets hurt or killed as they shop. OH yes it is a fact that in the past shoppers have been run over by the crowds, not to mention the road rage as they try to go from one store to another in their quest. So many accidents because people lose focus on what is really a treasure and that is the life of a human being. So be safe this weekend as you shop till you drop.

Basket donated by Thiry One
Christmas Craft Show
Last weekend we spent Saturday with hubby's daughter and grandchildren. We were on our Saturday quest of bargain shopping at yard sales and there were some craft shows we wanted to stop at. One Craft Show was held at the Santa Rosa Kids House which is a child advocacy center for abused and neglected children. They had many local crafters selling their items and the Kids House also had a couple of booths to raise money for the house. One booth we stopped had information on their gift basket party plan called Thirty One, she had samples of the beautiful cloth baskets and ideas on what she put in them. She also had a door prize that you could enter for free, and she had a basket raffle. Being that the raffle proceeds went to Children's House, I bought a chance for me and one for Mel. Only one ticket each as that was all the money I had in my pocket. My luck held out and I won the raffle... it is a beautiful basket filled with Christmas kitchen items, there is a apron, towel, plate, cookbook, list pad, pen, cooking utensils and ornament, tied with a holiday bow

basket I won.
Christmas 2012
This year for Thanksgiving I was thankful for family, friends and my husband who this year had many medical issues. While it has been a year with many issues I am grateful that my husband's health is improving, it has been a long hard battle for him and he has many more battles ahead but we are happy that there is some improvement. He has been in and out of the hospital numerous times this year, has so many doctors it gets confusing at times. He was on disability since March, and his work laid him off in October because of his disability, he has since retired. We have managed but it gets a little rough at times, We have a roof over our head,there is food in the fridge, We ask no one for any help so we doing OK. We just have to watch our spending more.
As for our Christmas, things won't be the same... No lights on the house as hubby isn't able and he doesn't want me climbing the ladder to hang them. Besides all the decorations are stored in the workshop loft and you need a ladder and two strong people to get the items down, so while there won't be a tree or lights or yard decorations. We have each other and that is the best Christmas Gift for us.
I am still working on the holiday quilts for my charity group, they should be done in the next week or two. Some will be going to Ronald McDonald House, some will go to a abused women and children's shelter and since my main collection is for the nursing home there are lots of items that will be heading in that direction. There are tote bags filled with goodies, quilts, pillows and cards made be WOCS members.. Each year WOCS grows a little larger with many new members joining monthly, many themes to stitch, many quilts and sewn items to make, our members work to bring joy to others. We also have sent quilts to more special requests this year. The WOCS website is also growing, with many giveaways of stitching and sewing items donated by our many web sponsors.