Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
It's a Happy Halloween Giveaway! At Pumpkin Patch Primitives

Jenny sent me this contest today, I am planning on entering, you can enter too, just follow the below link to find out how to enter and the rules. Great Prizes, wonderful shoppe and blog. Good luck to everyone. Well, I may wish you all good luck, but I wish myself much more luck, I really want to win this one folks.. LOL
Pumpkin Patch Primitives Quilt Shoppe is having a Great giveaway for Halloween.
This is what Pumpkin Patch Primitive owners wrote about the contest.
The drawing is on Sunday but entries will close at midnight EST on Saturday, October 31st. That is Halloween!
The loot? A Fat Quarter Bundle of Red Rooster's Pumpkins & Spice Fabrics by Whimsicals. Hello! Yes, that's 27 fat quarters. Every fabric in the line with the exception of the panel. Here's the stash; are you drooling yet? The picture doesn't do them justice, this is a primitive lover's dream. They are earthy, muted and whimsical...You will LOVE these! Sunflowers, pumpkins, checks, stripes; this collection has it all. If the entries reach 250, the second one goes in the pot; and GP will draw TWO winners, one bundle for each! Yeah, but what if I have 350 entries? How about a $100 Gift certificate to the Pumpkin Patch? HUH? That could be fun... what would you buy with $100 gift certificate to Pumpkin Patch Primitives?
I would buy lots and lots of material for my charity quilts, or maybe some of their kits or a flag or two, They have so many county type things and I am just a county girl. Now go and check out their site and enter.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Please take the time and use the above link and visit the Breast Cancer site and click to help provide mammograms for women. To all my lady friends on here, If you haven't had your yearly exam this would be a good time to have one done, remember a ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Monday, October 19, 2009
My Month

I won again, My Prize is this 1/2 yard bundle of Fraktur Fabrics
This has got to be my month, I won a gift certificate from Quaker Quilts at the Craftshop shuffle, than I won three charts at the needlework show. Are you ready for this, I won again, this time it is all that beautiful fabric shown above, from This-n-That Fabric's blog. I was just checking out the shops from the shuffle and saw they had a blog on quilting, so I signed up to be a follower, lots of good info on quilting. They were also having a contest to introduce people to the blog, AND I won the prize. So you can see why I say this is my month, guess I should make a trip to Biloxi with this kind of luck. But really if you quilt, you should check out This-N-That Fabric's web site, the have some gorgeous fabrics, great patterns, and some free patterns. There are so many fabrics, but I found some I really liked, like the spellbound, apple cider and Civil war collections just to name a few, a great fabric store, and they have contests and specials, hey, just check them out and see what I am talking about.
Winning also helped take my pain away, you see I was working in the garage, pouring ceramic molds. I had just finished and was taking some of the buckets outside to wash, but I didn't make it. As I tried to shut the door to the back room I got my fingers slammed in the door. I know my fault for trying to carry to much and trying to shut the door with all that in my hands. But I tell you this, IT HURT, really bad. I tried putting my fingers under cold water, but that didn't help. I called for Sean and he got the ice ready, but it took awhile to stop hurting that bad. I didn't break the fingers, but there is a big lump and the nail and finger are swollen and black and blue and it still hurts. Just what I need is a injury to my hand, I have to many things to do, oh well, take it easy and do what I can do till this heals. But reading my email that I was a winner did help to take my mind off the hurt.
We did go to the community yard sales this weekend, but really didn't find that much. I am on the lookout per Jenny for a Waffle Stix maker, a battery operated cookie press and cookie cutters. As for me I am still looking for my Lavender & Lace Needlepaints threads for the Celtic Women, one day I might find them on ebay or at a yard sale or if you know where I can find it let me know.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
And the Winner is ME, again

Can you believe it, the spring needlework show I didn't win anything. This time I won than two days later I won again and the next day another winner. Now I didn't win any of the big prizes, but Hey I WON. The picture above are my winners and freebies. Lots of the vendors had links to their web sites which had freebies, two are shown above which is Silent Night from Carousel Charts and the small snowmen chart from Linen Flowers designs. The second day of the show I won "Jingles, Chuckles, Snowball & Twitch" from Lavender Wings. Two days later I won "May Luck Be Yours on Halloween" from Forever in My Heart and than the next day another email that I won the "Alphabet Arch" from Arelate Studio. Than I had downloaded two freebies, there were more but I have them saved to download At another time. I will say that I still like the four snowmen chart from Lavender Wings the best. I emailed Linda my daily entry and she always returned my emails with cute comments. She seemed so nice and her designs are great. They would make a great Christmas Gift HINT HINT HINT as would the beautiful designed Christmas tree and ornament and pumpkin from Ink Circles, these are new to her collection and are by another designer she is working with, they have the AAN Initials on them. The designs remind me of a scroll work or doodling in the shape of an object. oh and than there is Brookes Books and her designs of the cute little women, they are so fun and whimisal looking. Thats about all for now, I am pouring Christmas ceramics tonight.
For My Dear Aunt Sis

This beautiful Gardenia is for my Aunt Sis who passed away on Sunday. When ever I would talk to Aunt Sis she always asked about my Gardenia bushes. She was amazed at how large they were, being 10ft wide. She was the last of my Mother's sisters. My Mother and both her sisters passed away in their 80th year. My Mother was the eldest, she enjoyed many stitching type crafts such as hand quilting that she had learned at the side of her grandmother my Grammy Armstrong. Mother also enjoyed Knitting, Crocheting and playing cards. My Aunt Kit was the middle daughter, she enjoyed plastic canvas crafts, playing cards and Bingo. My Aunt Sis was the baby of the family, she was not a crafty person, she enjoyed gardening, playing cards and Bingo. When talking with my cousin she said her Mother has gone home to her maker, she is joining her Mother and Sister's, now the Pinochle Game can begin. Rest in Peace dear Grandmother, Mother and Aunt's, I love you and will miss you all. Watch over us and keep us safe.
Friday, October 9, 2009
I WON!!!

Meet Jingles, Chuckles, Snowball & Twitch from Lavender Wings
Can you believe it I actually won something at the Needlework show. The first evening of the show I spent just quickly looking at the wonderful designs and also making a mental note as to who I needed to fill out a door prize entry for. I figured I had lots of time as most of the vendors have a drawing at the end of the show. BUT there were a couple that were doing a daily drawing, so I filled out my entry and hoped for the best. The next morning I was checking my email and there was a notice from a shop called Lavender Wings, I WON a door prize. Well you can imagine my surprise, I had just posted that I never win anything and here I am a winner on the first day. I had chosen a cute design of four handsome men, snowmen that is, they are so cute. Jingles, Chuckles, Snowball & Twitch are the names of these cute little guys. All the designs on this site are wonderful, it was hard to choose one. Oh and best of all Linda told me I could enter every day, Keep your fingers crossed for me and hopefully I will win again. Kind of hard to decide which design to try for, I really like one called Buddies, it is a polar bear giving a ride to his friends who happen to be a snowman, and a little penguin, so cute. Oh and than there are the Halloween designs, these are wonderful too. You just need to stop by her site (Lavender Wings) at the needle show. There is also vendor who is giving away a complete line of their floss. Wouldn't that be great to win, how many squares for our charity quilts could be stitched from that prize. Oh and one of my World of Charity cross stitch friends won yesterday. We did let the rest of the ladies in our group know that the show was in full swing, hope they all get a chance to stop by.
I have a quilt to cut out for WOCS tonight, I also am packing a bag of material, ribbons, and lace for Jenny. She belongs to a group that makes little toys and than they leave them in a place where a child might find them. The toys are wrapped and have a note with their story. What I have packed for Jenny should keep her busy for a long time, that is when she gets to feeling better, she had cracked a tooth and had to have it pulled and now she has one that needs a root canal.
As for my yard sale this weekend, I had cancelled it due to the threat of rain on both days, next weekend is already planned out, so I don't know when I will have my sale. I really need to get rid of some of the stuff in the garage and make some money to help pay for a new heater and Air Conditioner unit. Anyone good with AC and will work really cheap??
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
The Fall Needleworks Show
I must admit that tonight I have spent most of my evening at the Needleworks Show. So many designers, so many wonderful designs. I have only scratched the surface of the show. First I do a quick look which takes hours, than I will go back and take a more in depth look at the shops. Needle Delights (my local shop) has a booth at the show, Kathy has her beautiful quilt pattern cross stitch designs there, Oh and one of the most important things to do while at the show is to sign up for all the contests. I love contests, I don't win, but it is still fun filling out the entry form and adding my favorite items from their shop on the form. Well, I can dream can't I, ONE day I will win something. Melanie has won at the show before and last year Sean won, but never me, Maybe this year I will win something, anything, even a skein of thread would be nice, just to say I won it. After the show look for my review on my favorite designs and shops. Have fun at the show, just follow the link
if the link dosn't show go to and click on the general section and have fun
if the link dosn't show go to and click on the general section and have fun
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
October is here

My favorite time of year has finally arrived. In the evening there is a little crispness in the air. There is fall festivals being held most every weekend. Yard sales can be found almost in every block and Halloween is right around the corner. There is tons of Apples, cider and pumpkins in the stores, and spooky graveyards are popping up in neighbors yards. Which is my reason for this post. Sunday, Melanie, Heather, and Kyle came over and they with the help of their grandpa dug out the Halloween decorations in the shed. Melanie strung or should I say spun spider webbing over the arch, the porch and the doorway. Kyle and Heather planted a man in the flower bed but I think he is trying to escape because I see his legs and arm and his skull. There are pumpkins, spiders, ghosts and lots of skulls all over the front porch. Looks like a spooky halloween, thank you Melanie,Heather and Kyle, I love your decorating style. Can't wait to see what you do for Christmas. But really, it was fun watching the kids think things out as to how to decorate and how to get their ideas to work, they did a really great job.
Then they played with the puppies, Heather laying on the couch with the little white one under the covers with her, Kyle on the floor with the black one attacking his feet, Puppy pulled his sock off and bite his toe. I took pictures but Heather said she didn't want to see them on the internet, oh well, guess she will have to stay away from my blog this time, because the pictures are to cute not to post, sorry Heather.
I did hear from Jenny, she has been dealing with a house full of sick children. She said she is ready for a childless vacation.
Thats about all for now, enjoy the pictures.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Fall Weather is on its way, at least as Fall as we get in Florida. It is turning a little cooler which means the AC is off and windows are open. It also means that I will be able to get some of the outdoor tasks completed. And best of all it means that I can decorate for Halloween. Now I don't have many items for Halloween because for years we never saw a child trick or treating in our neighborhood, but two years ago children started visiting on that spooky night, Last year I added more decorations and we got more little goblins and ghost searching for a treat. So this year we were at the Florabama auction house and there was a couple of boxes of new Halloween decorations and we got them, I am not sure what is in the Halloween box but this weekend It will be pulled out of the storage barn for decorating. I am hoping the grand kids come by so they can do the decorating, of course if Kyle has a hand in the decorating I am sure it will be gruesome.....
All pups are all doing well, Sissy's litter now have their eyes open, and Mariah's pair are cutting those sharp milk teeth and starting to eat puppy chow. So far we have three that are spoken for and a couple coming over Sunday to look at the pups.
As for me, I have been making more lap robes for Century Care Center using the CCS squares Melanie and other members of WOCS sent to me. I finished two patriotic quilt tops last night and tonight I started on another one and I made the fronts for 5 bags plus I made a eyeglass case. All these items will be going to the Century Care Center at Christmas, WE are just trying to bring a little smile to special seniors.
All pups are all doing well, Sissy's litter now have their eyes open, and Mariah's pair are cutting those sharp milk teeth and starting to eat puppy chow. So far we have three that are spoken for and a couple coming over Sunday to look at the pups.
As for me, I have been making more lap robes for Century Care Center using the CCS squares Melanie and other members of WOCS sent to me. I finished two patriotic quilt tops last night and tonight I started on another one and I made the fronts for 5 bags plus I made a eyeglass case. All these items will be going to the Century Care Center at Christmas, WE are just trying to bring a little smile to special seniors.
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