Mariah's pups turned three weeks old on Monday, it is amazing how fast they are growing and changing. They are now walking, although they are still a little unsteady on their feet. I bring them out in the living room to get them used to a different surrounding, and the other dogs. They of course are the center of attention when they are out and about. The little white one sticks close to her mom or me she is not very adventurous. The black puppy on the other hand is off and exploring anything she can. She will get off the rug and on to the hardwood floor and her little legs just slide out from under her. She has learned that she can scoot backwards when this happens and get back to the rug. Today I did make a discovery on the black puppy, seems she is a blue eyed girl, she has a very deep blue color in her eyes. The white puppy is a brown eyed girl. Mariah does what she has to with the pups, she cleans and feeds them and than she is out of there. Most of my time is now spent opening and closing the door to the puppy room for Mariah.
Sissy's Pups will be one week old tomorrow, they are growing fast too. Sis will now leave them for a few minutes at a time to make a potty run, this morning she even came into the living room to visit with us for a few minutes.
Ebay: Once again I am getting things ready for eBay, I spent last night organizing and photographing items that will be listed. There is a lot of things that will be placed up for auction, check out seller seanandbc on eBay and bid, bid, bid. I am hoping to get the listings on today or tomorrow. Most of the items listed this time are craft items, such as pattern books, special floss, kits, sports cards and some misc items.
I am also getting ready for my annual garage sale, it will be the beginning of October. Jenny said she has a lot of items to put in the sale as well, not sure yet if Melanie will also be adding things, but it should still be a good sale.